martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Cobos Hernandez Alexis 308


This is my favorite Commercial of nike
Tidiani Sokoba:

I'm not a star.
I don't wanna be a star.
I don't have a great name
The media have never heard of me.
No public, no child leaders.
It's not about Winning or Losing, it's about reaching your Limits.
Going as far as you can go and then going far of them. 
I don't collect Titles.
I collect Hours, hours of Hard Work, hours of Pain.
As just me
I'm playing for the Ultimate Victory, the victory of yourself .
This is a way of life, there's no finish line, becoming the best that you can be. 
There's nothing else that matters. 
Beating the odds, fulfilling your Destiny.
I don't wanna be a superstar,
I want to be better 
Just want to be me. 
Just wanna be me.
Just do it!!
This is a motivational video of nike!
The video of nike is very true, i like.
Cobos Hernandez Alexis   308
This is my favorite Commercial of nike

Tidiani Sokoba:

I'm not a star.
I don't wanna be a star.
I don't have a great name
The media have never heard of me.
No public, no child leaders.
It's not about Winning or Losing, it's about reaching your Limits.
Going as far as you can go and then going far of them. 
I don't collect Titles.
I collect Hours, hours of Hard Work, hours of Pain.
As just me
I'm playing for the Ultimate Victory, the victory of yourself .
This is a way of life, there's no finish line, becoming the best that you can be. 
There's nothing else that matters. 
Beating the odds, fulfilling your Destiny.
I don't wanna be a superstar,
I want to be better 
Just want to be me. 
Just wanna be me.
Just do it!!
This is a motivational video of nike!
The video of nike is very true, i like.